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Protect Early Bedtime

Jul 28, 2021

 Hi wide-awake babies and the parents who love them, 

I got the best email this week from a mom who read Sleep, Baby, Sleep and wanted to share her family’s experience. Here’s part of her message:  

I read Sleep Baby Sleep when my daughter was 1 year and 6 months old. The first thing I did after reading the book was that I shifted her bed time to 8pm. We created a quiet ambience for her around her bed time. Ever since she has started to sleep well, we see a considerable change in her growth and development. She is less cranky and her tantrums are easy to manage (although she isn't much of a trouble maker even otherwise). She doesn't ask for much screen time like before.

The whole family gets to go to bed early ever since she has started to sleep early. My husband and I get some considerable time to ourselves. We get to sleep well and hence we feel so positive. I just can't state enough how important sleep is.”   

I love this!  Because I believe in … 

Protecting Bedtime Like a Precious Treasure  
Well-rested babies have better health and immunity, better behavior, moods, and brain development. And they grow beautifully – growth hormone is released during sleep! They will be cheerful and have fewer tantrums.  
I had 2 kids in under 2 years and then moved to from New York to India when the baby was 6 months old. Whew! For everyone’s health and happiness, I wanted the babies (and me!) to be well-rested.
That’s why I protect our bedtime like a precious treasure. Birthday parties, evening classes, my husband’s work schedule, my daughter’s endless energy – there are lots of temptations to stay up late!
I play the “tough love” card to protect bedtime. We’re always the first to show up at birthday parties, and the first to politely thank the host and leave after cutting cake. We don’t take classes that start after 4pm. We don’t put our children on the schedule of a working adult – no way. My husband is at office until late, so he plays with the kids on the mornings and on weekends. And I’ve learned ways to help my “energizer bunny” daughter calm down at bedtime. A big part of this is dimming the lights and reading at bedtime. Make things a quiet and calm.    

I’d love to hear from you.  What time is your child’s bedtime?  Are you happy with it, or would you like it to be earlier/ later?  


Sweet dreams,
Kerry Bajaj

P.S. My book Sleep, Baby, Sleep is here!  You can find it on Amazon at 

Cozy Little Sleeper, a 3-week course for newborns age 0 to 4 months


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Is your baby's sleep schedule all over the place?  If a consistent schedule would be a huge relief, download this free guide for all the tips I teach clients to set a predictable daily schedule for baby.

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